Turn Your Expertise into Earnings: How to Monetise Your Business Blog

Many business owners start blogging to share their extensive knowledge about their trade or life experiences. Over the years, some of us have amassed a considerable amount of useful content, which should have increased traffic and improved our online presence.
But have you ever considered making your business blog work harder for you and generating revenue? If this idea hasn't crossed your mind, here are a few methods you could implement on your blog. With the help of Spiky Carrot, you can advertise these opportunities and attract sponsors.
Method 1. Banners
One of the simplest ways to generate extra income is by allowing someone to advertise their product or service with a paid banner on your blog. These banners can be placed anywhere, but typical placements are along the side of the page or across the top of the blog. Each placement can be advertised through Spiky Carrot at different rates.
method 2. Sponsored Placements
A sponsored ad can be placed in the middle of your content, breaking up the text and serving as a premium ad spot. This prime location can attract higher rates from advertisers looking for maximum visibility.
method 3. Guest Post
Guest blog posts, often referred to as ‘collaborative posts’ or ‘brand collaborations’, can significantly enhance your blog’s growth. By inviting others to create relevant posts, they can include a link to their own site in return. This not only diversifies your content but also fosters partnerships and broadens your network.
The great thing about using these methods is that you don’t have to wait long before you start seeing money rolling in. Monetising your blog provides passive income, allowing you to enjoy the benefits while helping your business grow.
Ad Placement Options
When it comes to placing ads on your blog, you can offer the ad holder exclusive placement for a higher fee or use dynamic ad placements, meaning several ads are shown in that location, rotating when the page is refreshed. Many plugins available on your blogging platform can help with this feature.
Don't Worry About Post Frequency
What if you don’t post regularly? This shouldn’t put potential customers off. It's extremely difficult to have every blog post drive huge amounts of visitors to your site, but if you look carefully, you might uncover that single gold nugget that does.
Another useful thing to know is that search engines love content with a few years behind it, as it gives them more weight and improves your domain authority. This is why others will want to capitalise on advertising on your blog.
Benefits of Using Spiky Carrot
The great thing about Spiky Carrot is that when people enquire about your ad opportunities, they must provide a few details. This allows you to validate that their ads will be suitable for your blog, ensuring that you maintain the quality and relevance of your content.
Ready to Monetise Your Blog?
So if your a mature blogger or thinking of starting up a business blog and want get more for your hard work why not give Spiky carrot a go and generate some passive revenue.
Looking for Ad Space?
If your seeking ad opportunity just like advertising on someone blog why not check out our amazing ad opportunity we currently have listed and see if you can find that perfect place and target audience for your product or services offered.
It’s free to register for both selling and seeking ad space and allow spiky carrot do the hard work connecting one another.